Mums Figuring It Out
Mums Figuring it out is a podcast hosted by Jo Alexis & Roxanne St Clair. Two regular mums sharing experiences and insights on parenting their adult children... and inviting other mums to join the conversations.As it’s a fun side project for these two life coaches, you’ll find personal growth discussions and laughter wrapped up in here too... so don’t forget your tissues!
Mums Figuring It Out
Give Yourself Some Breathing Space
Roxanne and Jo
Season 1
Episode 46
Welcome to episode 46 of Mums Figuring It Out, In this episode Roxanne and Jo explain how to stop, take a breath, recharge and refocus.
Often as mums we can forget to take a little time out for ourselves, just to catch our breath!
In this short and sweet episode, you will discover some tips that will help you recharge in as little as 10 minutes!
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